Tired of buying the latest and greatest skincare line? Didn’t you promise yourself you’d stop!

But why should you stop? It’s your skin. You want to look great – and you deserve to! You deserve your best-looking skin (all the time).

So why do these latest “seen-on-tv” celebrity products not seem to be able to work for you – even though they promise results…time and time again?

Do they simply just plain suck? Or maybe it’s because of some other unknown mystery?

Unfortunately, I don’t have the answer for you – but there is one little secret I do know.

One little secret that works in just about every situation. And the secret is…

..start with a solid foundation. And for readers of livemetabofit, you can guess what that foundation is (our DIET).

sponsored: do you know the benefits of collagen?

Here are 11 Superfoods To GIve Your Skin The Foundtion It Needs To Look It’s Best (No Matter The Skincare Line)

We are what we eat, It’s the way God intended it to be. And as my Biology 101 professor said back in ’88, oh what did he say, dammit, ah went something like this “If it’s man-made, you can bet it already exists in nature.”

Omega-3 Fatty Acids (fish)

“Fatty fish, especially sardines and salmon are especially good for your skin because they contain good fats, specifically omega-3 fatty acids. Research suggests that these acids can help combat the effects of sun exposure as well as support healthy inflammation markers – while keeping the skin more resilient to the effects of environmental exposure.” Original Blog Post


Not just the perfect “brain food” (every wonder why they resemble a brain?)…

“Walnuts can provide some of the same benefits of fatty fish in a meatless form. That’s because walnuts can boast some of the most potent forms of omega-3 fatty acids in the nut world.” Original Blog Post

Sweet Potatoes

Ever tried sweet potato fries? Yum.

Sweet potatoes are “good for your skin because they are rich in antioxidants called carotenoids. Carotene also comes with healthy skin benefits, including protecting your skin from oxidative stress caused by free radicals.” Original Blog Post.


This one is a personal favorite of mine. I like to combine ginger powder, cinnamon powder, turmeric powder, coconut powder, and MCT oil to make a ‘not so good tasting’ but powerful fat-burning tea. (use about 1/4 teaspoonful of each except use about 1 tablespoonful of coconut powder and MCT oil then add it all to a cup of hot water)

“Ginger can also improve skin elasticity and evens skin tone. Some people have made their own mask of equal parts powdered ginger, honey, and fresh lemon juice to reveal healthy, radiant skin.” Original Blog Post of co

So these are just 4 out of the 11 Superfoods to give your skin the glow and health you deserve.

The other 7 include red pepper, broccoli, sunflower seeds, spinach, and a few more.

Head over to the original blog post here to read all the benefits of these amazing foods I’ve shown you here plus the many others I left out. You’ll also find many other useful articles when it comes to aging healthy there.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this info and try it out for yourself!