If you’re like most, at least “semi” health-conscious people these days, I’m willing to bet you “held the bacon” the last time somebody tempted you with that hot, crispy treat.

One of my favorite things to eat while growing up was my mom’s home-made ‘B.L.T sandwiches. And even though, to this day, the thought of biting into one makes my taste buds jump –  bacon was just something I naturally began to swear off. Because, nowadays, I’m thinking grease, fat, and clogged arteries, right?

Well, it turns out that bacon, along with other “fatty” foods like red meat, butter, and eggs, may have been getting a bad rap all along. And what if there were actually health benefits hiding in “forbidden” bacon?

So over at Biotrust.com, I found a blog post that may help me (and you) finally begin to enjoy mouth-watering bacon once again – without all the guilt and a trip to the gym.

According to Biotrust.com, and you read the post yourself by clicking here, there are 5 reasons why bacon is surprisingly good for us to …in moderation of course.

Five Health Benefits Found Hiding In Bacon (all along)

1. Bacon has Vitamins and Minerals our Body’s Need

“Two slices of pan-fried bacon, for instance, provide:

  • 108 calories
  • 8 grams of fat
  • 8 grams of protein
  • 0 carbs
  • 0 sugar
  • 387 mg of sodium
  • 115 mg of potassium

On top of that, bacon contains several B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, and B12), selenium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, and zinc. Obviously, most people’s eyes are drawn to sodium, which we’ll touch on more in just a moment, but there’s quite a bit more to bacon.”

2. Bacon is filled with “Good Fats”

“Virtually all of the monounsaturated fat in bacon is oleic acid, which is the same “heart healthy” fat found in olive oil. This has led some to refer to bacon as “the new olive oil.” And while that’s said somewhat tongue-in-cheek, oleic acid has been shown to increase HDL (“good”) cholesterol, lower LDL (“bad”) cholesterol, promote skin healing, and support healthy levels of inflammation.1

The rest of the fat in bacon (about 10 – 15%) is polyunsaturated omega-3 and omega-6 fats.”

3. Bacon is a source of quality protein.

“With 30% of calories coming from protein, bacon isn’t the most protein-dense food. However, it is a good source of high-quality protein, which means it contains a good balance of amino acids (including all the essential amino acids), and the protein is highly digestible.”

4. Bacon can help make you feel full, longer.

“Even though studies show that dietary fat isn’t all that satiating (which refers to the biological processes that are responsible for ending a meal), fat does seem to have a powerful effect on satiety (i.e., increasing feelings of fullness and satisfaction) by stimulating the release of appetite hormones.3″

5. Bacon is a staple food in the popular Paleo & Ketogenic diets.

“Here are some of the benefits associated with the ketogenic diet:

  • Weight loss
  • Glycemic control
  • brain health and cognitive function
  • heart health
  • healthy aging
  • endurance performance.”

**links to sources found over at Biotrust.com

Now if you’re like me you’ve also heard of the health dangers of eating processed meat, nitrates, and too much sodium and cholesterol. Don’t worry, all that is addressed, once again, over at Biotrust.

How to Choose the BEST Bacon

Always choose organic, grass-fed bacon. Enough Said.

So the next time you have the option of “adding the bacon'” whether you’re at happy hour with friends or at a nice restaurant, just remember there’s no reason to panic. At least now you’ll have piece of mind if you do decide to treat yourself.